Keep up with and manage your Luma events.

  "schema_version": "v1",
  "name_for_human": "Luma Events",
  "name_for_model": "luma_events",
  "description_for_model": "Plugin for managing and creating events through the platform. You can add events, add attendees to events, or get information about who is attending the event on Use it whenever a user asks something that might be related to an event or wants to add people to an event.",
  "description_for_human": "Keep up with and manage your Luma events.",
  "auth": {
    "type": "user_http",
    "authorization_type": "bearer",
    "api_key_header_name": "x-luma-api-key"
  "api": {
    "type": "openapi",
    "url": "",
    "is_user_authenticated": false
  "logo_url": "",
  "contact_email": "",
  "legal_info_url": ""